08 November 2010


This week I have been looking again through my research and I have decided to centre my project around the following themes:

  • Expanded cinema and the Cinematographic communication between the Space and the Viewer.
  • The theatrical aspects of South Bank: artistic gatherings and events ( Festival of Britain 1951).
  • The Light and Shadow and the vast possibilities that could be explored through the medium of Film and Photography and Image Projection.
  • City as a Cinema ( The Celluloid City by James Sandler and the Movie Screens)
  • Memory (the lost icons of South Bank how can we replace them without coping what was already there).

I have made a map of movies that have been filmed around the South Bank and my next step would be to watch some of them and choose the once that I find interesting. Then I will try to find out if there is any footage of the making of the film or set screens etc....

I went to the Rosa Barba's Exhibition at the Tate to see her film installations and how she engages her works within this medium. I became very interested in the celluloid film projectors and I researched the subject a little bit more. I wanted to see how they work and if I could apply them into my project as well.

Projector as a centre piece, an icon of image.

I have also started sketching my ideas of how the space could be organised.

My designed space to be an answer to the lost icons - memories.
Below are some photoshop visualisations of how the gallery space might be like:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kat, lots of broad and interesting research here, keep going! Is the photo of people at the top your work - it is very interesting - do you have more examples? It would be good to see some more for tuesday. Pete
